High street stores are passing off real fur as "fake", according to a shocking new investigation.
Two major chains have been caught selling clothes made from animal skins which was unlabelled or described on the label as "acrylic".
TK Maxx is one of two major chains which have been caught selling clothes made from animal skins which was unlabelled or described on the label as acrylic.
High street stores are passing off real fur as fake
A mystery shopper acting for the charity bought a coat with a real fur collar trim from a branch of TK Maxx in Horsham, West Sussex, a cut-price fashion store which has a no-fur policy. Although the label stated the coat was made of polyester and nylon and made no mention of fur, laboratory tests revealed the trim was arctic fox. The charity also bought a pair of black leather gloves with a fur trim from an Edinburgh Woolen Mill store in the same town. The label claimed the cuff was made of acrylic. Lab tests showed it was rabbit. Following the RSPCA investigation, TK Maxx said it was "committed to enforcing rigorous processes to ensure real fur product does not enter our business." "TK Maxx is proud to have implemented a long-standing policy with regard to not buying real fur product," the company said. "It was therefore with great surprise and regret we learned a coat with real fur trim was found in one of our stores." The Edinburgh Woollen Mill pledged to stop selling fur by the spring. "This is rabbit trim where we have written assurances from our supplier that it originates from the food trade," said a spokesman. According to the RSPCA, the fur industry kills 55 million animals a year. It is calling for shoppers to check any fur-like products and not buy them unless they are sure they are fake. It also wants retailers to stop selling real fur, and carry out tougher checks on the clothes they sell. Mr Bowles added: "Many shoppers are quite rightly sickened by the thought of wearing the fur of an animal which has suffered just to produce a 'fashionable' piece of clothing. "It is not possible to farm humanely an animal for its fur and excellent artificial fur is available. The way in which animals such as Arctic fox are farmed is horrific. "We are calling on shoppers not to be fooled by fur. Our message is: 'If you're not sure it's 100 per cent fake, don't buy it'. "Shoppers should check to see whether the fur looks real - even if the label claims the fur to be fake or no mention of fur is made on the label." Around 85 per cent of fur comes from farms. Mink and fox are the most commonly bred animals although chinchilla, raccoon dog, polecat, ferret and coypu are also farmed and skinned for the fashion industry. The charity says the animals are often confined to tiny, barren cages or sheds containing thousands of animals. They are usually electrocuted, gassed, injected or have their necks snapped in order to keep the pelts in pristine condition. The RSPCA says some remain conscious when the fur is removed. It is difficult to spot real fur from fake - particularly when it is dyed bright colours. However, if skin or leather can be seen between the hairs at the base when they are pulled apart, the fur is real. If a weave, or material, can be seen at the base, then it is fake. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which carried out the study, described the practice as appalling and urged ethical shoppers to double-check any clothes with fur trims. David Bowles, a spokesman for the RSPCA, said: "We believe that real fur is mistakenly being widely sold in the UK. "An RSPCA survey showed that 93 per cent of people would not wear real fur, but a lot of shoppers are accidentally buying real fur assuming that it's fake because it is cheap and not clearly labelled."
Source: MailOnLine 2007
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