Di tutti i crimini neri che l'uomo commette contro il Creato, la vivizezione è il più nero. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Factory farms are hellholes worldwide. They are all the same on the four continents, exactly like KFC’s or McDonald’s—if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.

Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching

"Greger’s superb story-telling ability makes every page of the book interesting and fascinating for both specialist and layperson...Numerous quotes, pretty illustrations, vivid titles and clear writing make reading really a pleasure...Dr. Greger's simple and practical suggestions are invaluable for both nation and individual...Greger’s book is the best of its genre and deserves to be read by anyone who is concerned about human and animal health. This book is a must read for government and enterprise officials who are advocating and advancing poultry industry standards...I highly recommend it."
—Noted virologists Chengfeng Qin and Ede Qin (Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity) in their review in Virology Journal

You can read the entire book on this site:


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